Well hello all.Im a new to flash but know somethings and have done alot of research.Well i was wondering if any one would like to help me with making a personal site for me and my friends.I’m not asking for someone to make me a site(eventho that would be nice)but i rather like to have someone help me so like that i could learn and eventually do it my self :).Anyway any comments,suggestion and /or questions would be appreciated .
thnx in Advance.~_^
try to make a scach of your site, what pages do you wont and what info in ech page,
then beuld your graphic, after u do so, then you have to plan your site from the flash programing point of v.
biulid a basic file containing the menu and all the constent objects, then build a file for eche page.
the pages files we will loade into the main movie.
good lack
ok thnx mezoo really helpful.Well i’ll start workin on it asap.
Then i’ll see about the flash part.