Hi - I have been working on this for a week and am desperate for help.
I want to create a portfolio page where you can mouse over a thumbnail and a larger image pops up on the right side of the page. As you hover over the thumbnail the large image changes to a different one. Then if you mouse over a different thumbnail a new image would be shown, which would also change to a new one, etc… The page has 15 thumbnails. At first I made animated gifs and used the swap image action in dreamweaver. This did not work. the gifs were large. The client wants a nice fade in/out transition on the photos. So I used flash to create a swf file. Now I can’t figure out how to get the swf files to swap when the viewer mouses over different thumbnails?
Here is a link tot he current page I am working on. Help is MUCH appreciated. THANK YOU! I am also not savy to technical lingo - I am a designer that knows dreamweaver, not a programmer. So I am a bit slow. I have CS5.