I have a swf that is loaded in another swf.
if I *trace(this.parent.parent) *in the child swf I get [object Scenario1] which is the parent swf.
Scenario1 is my Document Class for the parent swf and it extends MovieClip.
Scenario1 has a public var testing:Boolean = false;
If I want to change the testing var to true what do I do ?
If I put in the *this.parent.parent.testing = true; *
(or this.parent.MovieClip(parent).testing = true;)
obviously I get a compile error (as its not a loaded swf when its compiled, *this.parent.parent *is null)
If I go ahead and load this into the parent swf then it does not throw any compile errors (because there is nothing wrong with the parent swf per se) but all of the script on the child swf fails to work.
So how do I do this?
Thanks heaps for your help!