I’m really baffled… I recently followed a tutorial on transitions and external swf’s and created a website for myself that I quite like. I ended up loading swf’s into a container on my main page, but the swf’s in the container house all the buttons… which when pressed load into the same container on the main timeline.
Anyway, i’d really like to deep link my site and have come across swfAddress.
Now I’m new to flash and AS so I’m completely puzzled but really really want to work it out. However, none of it is making any sense at all. I’m hoping that some very kind person out there may be able to point me in the right direction. My site will probably distress all you AS guru’s as it’s mainly timeline based as I’m more of an animator than coder… I merely followed the tut.
I’ve been using AS2 (as little as possible!) in flash mx 2004, but have just updated to CS3 if this makes a difference.
If anyone can talk me through it step by very small step, I can’t tell you elated I’d be… I’ve been staring at this for a good few long long hours.
Sorry if this may be basic stuff. I’m trying to learn… the hard way! ha