Help with the funtion for carousel

I am trying to make a carousel using AS3.0 and need some help with this.

In AS 2, there is a function “attachMovie()” that takes more than one argument but now in AS3 this function has been removed and we use “addChild()” instead. The addChild() function takes one argument (I get error if I write more than 1 arguments) then how do I write the following code using addChild().

for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++)
var t = this.attachMovie(“item”, “item” + i, i+1);
t.angle = i*((Math.PI*2)/numOfItems);
t.onEnterFrame = mover();

The “item” is the name of the movieclip that I am going to place on stage. I have started with just one movieclip but how to write If I want to place more than one movieclips? Ex: i want to place 3 movieclips.

The movieclip is not a swf file, so I guess loader() and URLRequest will not work.
