Help with throw slider tutorial

Hi I’m trying to add the Y coordinates to this tutorial here’s what I’ve add but can’t make it work properly, any help?

var bounds:Object = {left:98, right:449, up:0, down:150};
    var currentX:Number = thumb.x;
    var lastX:Number = thumb.x;
    var vx:Number = 0;

    var currentY:Number = thumb.y;
    var lastY:Number = thumb.y;
    var vy:Number = 0;

    var isDragging:Boolean = false;
    var offset:Number;
    thumb.buttonMode = true;

    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
    thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown);
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp);

    function onDown(e:MouseEvent):void
       isDragging = true;
       offset = thumb.mouseX;
       addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);

    function onUp(e:MouseEvent):void
       isDragging = false;
       removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMove);

    function onMove(e:MouseEvent):void
       thumb.x = mouseX - offset;
       if(thumb.x <= bounds.left)
          thumb.x = bounds.left;
       else if(thumb.x >= bounds.right)
          thumb.x = bounds.right;
          thumb.y = mouseY - offset;
       if(thumb.y <= bounds.up)
          thumb.y = bounds.up;
       else if(thumb.y >= bounds.down)
          thumb.y = bounds.down;

    function loop(e:Event):void
          lastX = currentX;
          currentX = mouseX;
          vx = currentX - lastX;
          lastY = currentY;
          currentY = mouseY;
          vy = currentY - lastY;
          thumb.x += vx;
          thumb.y += vy;
       if(thumb.x <= bounds.left)
          thumb.x  = bounds.left;
          vx *= -1;
       else if(thumb.x >= bounds.right)
          thumb.x = bounds.right;
          vx *= -1;
       if(thumb.y <= bounds.up)
          thumb.y  = bounds.up;
          vy *= -1;
       else if(thumb.y >= bounds.dowm)
          thumb.y = bounds.down;
          vy *= -1;
       vx *= 0.95;
       vy *= 0.95;
       if(Math.abs(vx) < 0.5) vx = 0;