Help with XML and Flash Integration

Hello all. This site was suggested to me because of its Flash gurus. That is just what i am looking for. I have a project i am working on, and it is kind of big. I have an XML file, ok, and it has question groups in it. Each question group will have any number of questions in it. not really any number, but it could be 3, it could be 7. Now, each question will have four answers. I need to have it set up so that Flash parses it, and then dynamically attaches one group of questions to one page, or frame. It has to be able to adjust to the number of questions in a group, but there will always be four answers. I need the main question to be put into a dynamic text box. Below this, there will be four radio buttons. I need there data and labels to correspond with the answer data and label in the XML file. here is what i want it to look like:
Can anyone help me with this?
AIM: kyjmpuckett
YIM: led2china