Help with


i have a main timeline with buttons. also on it are some movieclips which have motion tweens within them. each button on the main timeline just goes to a frame with the different movie clips.

i’ve added a reverse movie clip action to the movie clips (below). a button within each movie clip activates the rewind.

my problem is this;

when i click on the blue close button i need to get back to the start of the main timeline so that all the buttons are active again. this needs to happen after the reverse of the movie clip has finished.

i’ve attached a zipped fla file to show where i am up to — any help would be great as this is driving me nuts…

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (rewind) {
if (_currentframe == 1 && loopReverse) {
} else {
} else {
if (_currentframe == _totalframes && loopForward) {
} else {