
Hey, what coding would you recommend for this splash page I’m looking to put on my site to alert people that my site requires flash,, the HUGE black area is just preview purposes so you get the idea of the main bits to be horizontally & vertically centered with rollover images on the little icons, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction :slight_smile:

much thanks in advance !

So, are you just going to slap the image? I mean, is that what you want to do? You can use xhtml to do it, but I don’t know if that’s your question. (Btw, the image is very cool).

[QUOTE=kdd;2324371]So, are you just going to slap the image? I mean, is that what you want to do? You can use xhtml to do it, but I don’t know if that’s your question. (Btw, the image is very cool).[/QUOTE]

basically slice it up in PS and add into dreamweaver, i did in-fact get it all working in dreamweaver just wasn’t going centered vertically and horizontally and when i did some goggling the best method showed CSS which i actually have no idea how it works lol i’ve even read nearly every tutorial. i honestly dont know what codes what these days :frowning:

[QUOTE=kdd;2324371]So, are you just going to slap the image? I mean, is that what you want to do? You can use xhtml to do it, but I don’t know if that’s your question. (Btw, the image is very cool).[/QUOTE]

okay i’ll show what i got, hopefully you get the idea :slight_smile:

Not found. At least, I understand what you mean now, so I (or anyone else) can help you better.

You don’t need an image for this, you can use CSS and XHTML to achieve this quite easily. Just pick your font (or use an image of your name and photography and make the update Flash line a link. I can get more specific if need be.

I managed to fix it :slight_smile:

Looks good, nice job.

thank you :smiley:

hahaha nice…