
ok, i need to know how i can make a world spin. i want to have a Q with a spinning world inside it. Is there a tutoral here or somewere else than will teach me to do this or will someone teach me or do it for me?


*Originally posted by viper18y2k *
**or do it for me?

                viper18y2k **

woah :wink:

The easiet and NON 3D spinngin globe can be achieved by using a flat image of the world and a circular mask.

Just tween your image from left to right or right to left which ever way you want it to spin. Have that as a looping animation, like a continuous menu, you know what they are right?

Now you’ve got it as a smooth continuous loop just add a circle in a layer above it, and make it a mask layer.


Here’s a shareware globe to play with if you want:
