
I’ve got a reeeeaaaaallly stupid question, and I think I do know the answer, but I’ve got a little bit of hope in me…

Is there ANY way to convert a .swf file to a flash file to make changes to it…???:sigh:

I need to make some changes for a client before monday on a hugh file I did a couple of months ago, and for some unknown reason it disappeared from my pc. Only the .swf and the .exe file is on here. PLLLLLEEEEEAAASE give me the right answer!!!

The first and easy way to convert it as a FLA, however it’s not recommended. Try

  1. Select file menu
  2. Import
  3. Select the SWF file
  4. The flash import the entire movie into a single timeline.

But you can edit the file, that depends on the complication of the original file.

Another option is SWF decompilers availabel to extract the files srcipt and objects and again you’ve to asseble the whole things . that is a tadius task i think. Lot of third party softwares available to convert SWF to FLA but i’m not sure how far it’ll work out.

Lot of third party softwares available to convert SWF to FLA but i’m not sure how far it’ll work out.

Can you maybe direct me to one or two. I’ve tried a decomplier (although its only a demo version), but my site’s too big. Importing it doesn’t work either.


[COLOR=DarkRed]Pucca: Piracy isn’t allowed here! :bad:[/COLOR]