
i have a problem with putting a photogallery and a text field togehter in one movie and i wanted to attach my file so someone can look at it and suggest what it is that i should do to fix my problem, except that the file is too big.

can someone tell me how to make an .fla file smaller so i can attach it onto this msg?

thanx so very much

Put your fla in a zip file then upload the zip file here.

sorry, i’m not sure how to do that?
thanx btw

Post a reply, then attach ur Fla, as simple as that. :slight_smile:

but the file is too big, thats why i’m wondering if theres another way i could attach the file…and someone said to put it in a zip folder. BUt i’m not sure how i do that.

Pixie, I’m not sure if you have a zip utility on your comp or not, but we’ll try this anyways. I attached a empty zip folder to this post, I want you to download it and open the folder. After that, drag your file(s) into the folder and attach it to your next post here. I hope it works. :-\

hey electrongeek
thanx for the help or reply i should say, um so i downloaded the file, i dragged the files into the zip file. All went well…so i hope when i attach it, other people can see it too.

Ok so here’s the zip file, if its possible, can you pls take a look at it and tell me if theres nething wrong with it (the problem i had was that the pictures wouldn’t show up) thanx so very much.

Pixie, could you tell me where you got this fla from so I can look at the original source or show me the tutorial where you got it from. It would help me solve what’s wrong here.

hey electron geek, i’m not sure what ur question is, but um i made that fla file…i followed the tutorial from this site:

i’ve tried it soooo many times STEP BY STEP…i copy and pasted all the codes correctly (or at least i think so), but anyway, the problem that i saw, was that the pictures didn’t show up when i tested the movie. …yeah so i don’t know whats wrong with it

thanx for all ur help btw

ok i went over the tutorial and you did everything correctly. After narrowing it down, I realized that your jpgs were saved as progressive which will prevent them from loading. So I opened all your images in photoshop and resaved them, but this time I unchecked the progressive option. So now it works fine. Here’s the fla. =)

omg…thanx SO much! i’ve been having this problem for SO long, and no one went thru it all the way in helping me. Thanx so much, ur the best! :slight_smile:

np pixie, glad I helped. =)