HELPPPP, drop down menu!

Hi, I have problem with my drop down menu (tutorial from Syko, “Creating Drop-Down Menus”).

When the button clicked (on mouse release), the new page doesn’t sit on the centre of the computer screen, but below, hence, you can still see the previous page behind the new one.

I added the following code in each button (the buttons under/ inside the MENU box):

on (release) {
loadMovie(“newpage.swf”, CENTRE);

There are 6 buttons under/ inside the MENU box. They all have same code, except for the “newpage.swf” name (“page1.swf”, “page2.swf”, “page3.swf”, page4.swf”, “page5.swf”, “page6.swf”).

Should I add more code in each button to fix the problem, or any other solution?

Thanks heaps guys,
