Here I am taking a shot at different types of art, so what do you think!!
I would like please a response
umm…even though your not really contributing yourself w/ comments on other peoples work…I will comment AGAIN:cowboy:
Its really looks alot liek your last one…but a little better. The 3D addition is nice. But I really dont like it. I think maybe its just not my style? I dont know…but there’s my 2cents!:crazy:
Well, I am just practicing with different sorts of techniques for anyhow.
oh yea man, more power to ya. That’s cool that your experimenting. That’s just my personal opinion. i Bet if you looked at mine that i posted in the section you wouldnt really dig mine either! lol. so, s’all good man, keep it up. :crazy:
I’m not too fond of the colors in this one, but I know you’re experimenting so it’s understandable. Keep at it!! =)
cool, personaly its not my cup of tea, but you are learning and i am happy for you. experimentation is not bad for learning at all. btw, check the top sticky for PS tuts!