Hi guys,
I had a wierd one and I’m not sure if anyone else has come across this - or if I’m just being a muppet.
I wanted to send some variables to a php file. Easy enough
var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.dataOne = “Data one”;
lv.dataTwo = “Data two”;
lv.send (“myfile.php”);
It didn’t work.
I tried a few different variations and then thought, lets do a send an load for testing.
var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var test:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.dataOne = “Data one”;
lv.dataTwo = “Data two”;
lv.sendAndLoad (“myfile.php”,test);
test.onload = function () {
trace ("It's finally worked!!!!");
Ran it, got the trace and also it hit the php. So why on earth did sendAndLoad work, and not just send? I believed that leaving send with only the file to hit would POST the variables to it? Or for send to work do you HAVE to define a window to open?
I’ve only ever had this situation where I was sending variables only without waiting for a response so I’ve always used sendAndLoad up to now.
As it’s working now it’s not desperately pressing, but I have to confess I’m a bit stumped.