Thanks guys, I got it working, now on to the next challenge!
Expert mode, mau? Wow, expert mode. Hmmmmm. Kind of like the sound of that.
Well unless you are copying and pasting everything… which you can do in basic mode too. I’ve changed my Flash preferences (edit/preferences) so that my Action panel opens in expert mode now… I feel like such a big boy.
‘We are men of Action, lies do not befit us…’ Well said; Why do you keep staring at me? I just happen to notice that you have six fingers on your right hand. And I know someone who’s looking for you…’
“You jus mov your head, doesn’t that make you happy?”
“My brains, his strength, your steel, against sixty men, and you think a little head jiggle is going to make me happy?”
'Ever hear of Plato? Aristotle, Socrates?"
“Your intellect is truly dizzying”
“We’ll never survive the Fireswamp”
‘Your only saying that because noone ever has’
“I’m just getting started.”
(hey Phil… I’m going to start a PB thread in Random for us to talk about PB… I don’t want to be bogging down these threads with our insanity.)
‘Did I tell you your JOB was on the line? Now faster you hippopotomic landmass, he’s gaining on us…’
I’ll see you in Random…