Hey everyone! I just thought I would drop in and say hello to you all. I’ve been really busy lately with school and work and other extra-curricular activities that I haven’t had time to drop in here. Wow, its been a long time since I have posted here.
I just wanted to update everyone incase anyone was interested in what I was doing. Well I got into the poker-craze that has been going around. Actually, I’ve been playing poker for years but I finally decided that I was good enough to actually make some money off of it. So for the past 7 months or so I have quit doing anything with Flash or PHP or anything like that and have been playing poker in an attempt to make extra money. For about 5 months I was making 2x as much as I did at my real job, essentially tripling my income. Lately I stopped because I need to graduate college in order to make everyone around me happy and then I can go back to playing poker (hopefully).
I know some may not agree with poker as a means of income, but I have found that it is something I am very good at, and am actually getting better every time I play. Unlike some people my goal is not to move to Vegas, or AC in an attempt to become some famous TV poker personality, but I want to stay at home and play online (because the games are so easy and I’m too lazy to leave the house) because I want to have a real job on the side (for the time being).
Well, enough about me, I hope everyone is well and I hope to talk to you soon!