Hey ... is this scarey or wat ...?

It seems this is the journalist who was brutally murdered by the terrorists

I would still like to see this, if anyone has a link that works, or the pics stored locally. Thanks.

that is BEYOND disturbing
you all say you want to see it, but you dont
ive seen some gross stuff on video before, but never have i seen anything this brutal
the way the screaming becomes gurgling just makes me want to throw up
btw, if u wanna see it, you just drag the link to your address bar - thought u would all know that one!

OK that is really disgusting. PM him for the link, but please don’t post it here.


Last i remember eilsoe said his original avatar was made by the worm growing under his bed. So, now since there are two, this leads me to believe the first reproduced somehow and eventually eilsoe will eventually be run over by worms and it will be a worm replying to posts rather than the real eilsoe! HOW WILL WE KNOW ITS REALLY YOU EILSOE!? WE MUST DO SOMETHING AT ONCE. :rambo:

anyone wanna send me the link? im curious

btw, if u wanna see it, you just drag the link to your address bar - thought u would all know that one!

Hmm, i hadn’t thought of that one yet… :crazy:

*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**Last i remember eilsoe said his original avatar was made by the worm growing under his bed. So, now since there are two, this leads me to believe the first reproduced somehow and eventually eilsoe will eventually be run over by worms and it will be a worm replying to posts rather than the real eilsoe! HOW WILL WE KNOW ITS REALLY YOU EILSOE!? WE MUST DO SOMETHING AT ONCE. :rambo: **

That´s easy to find out.

Hook elisoe on a fishing wire and throw him at the botton of the sea, wait half an hour and pull back.
If something other than fish comes back, its him. Otherwise ít´s not him, or he was eaten by a shark.


eilsoe! The fuse runs to the bomb in your footer? OOHH!
I didn’t think of that before…