Hey ... is this scarey or wat ...?

hey guys,
It seems this is the journalist who was brutally murdered by the terrorists… check it out … its the scariest i have ever seen, none of my friends managed to see the whole thing… well, i did some how but the images isnt gettin erased from my mind…its really SCAREY…

Link removed: PM for link.

[KIRUPA: sorry, I don’t think having the link displayed is the best thing; you can get it from him directly if you wish]


oh yes, this geocities not found page is really SCAREY!=)

oh GAWD NOO!!!

[SIZE=1]shiver me pantsies…[/SIZE]

same here :stuck_out_tongue: !


Man that’s scary… that’s even scarier than eilsoe’s new footer and avatar :slight_smile:

That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen

I can only pray it’s fake but i know it’s not :frowning: Imagine being a memeber of his family :frowning:

Hey elisoe, are you adicted to worms? Real ones, like in macdonald´s burguers, or the game?=)


hmm… I dunno… Guess it was just the first thing that popped into my head when I made my first footer…

Kinda stuck with me :stuck_out_tongue:


Hot babe walked by…

geocities is pretty scary in general.

part of me wants to see that, but the sane part of me knows i’ll regret it if i do.

I can´t see that:(

The link didn’t work for me…

And Eilsoe, I like the worms. Do not change them. They rock. Albeit in several pieces over a wide radius if they don’t put that bomb down.

Actually hang on. What’s the one on the right holding that fuse <i>with</i> exactly?

Sure! Worms are great! And this avatar too.:slight_smile:

The avatar is cool, eilsoe!
The fuse… the fuse…
a bomb in the background would be cool :slight_smile:
notice the status “What fuse” lol

no one commented on mine :sleep: !!

… h88 when did you make it??? before my first post in this thread or after it???
i can’t seem to remember that being under your name… :-\

but… anyway… It’s kinda cool

i did not see anything. Anybody got the zip that they can post here?

A bomb in tha background?

The fuse runs down to the bomb in my footer! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah link doesn’t work. What is the link of? A movie? And Syko, nice job on your footer. I noticed it i a random color. That’s pretty cool!
