I am looking to create a pop-up window in flash itself. Not the javascript pop-up. I want when I click a button that it pops up a window that has information on it. I’ve seen them where when it pops up you can’t click anything else in the flash movie until you close the pop-up. I’d really like that, but any popup WITHIN flash would work. Basically, does anyone know of any tutorials (I checked here, but couldn’t find what I was looking for) or any action files that may help me do this?
Thanks in advance.
Could you just have a movieclip act as a popup window since it’s in Flash?
Yeah, that could work. I am basically looking to when I push the button a window pops up (inside the flash movie) that has mostly text. When you click the close button it returns to the movie.
A movie clip would probably work the best. I was thinking I would have to do different swf files for the popup. I think a MC would work the best.
Are there any tutorials around that may help me do this?
thanks for the response.
I know it’s a no no and I’m sorry to reference another thread on another site but in essence of time these guys were looking for something similar.
Again all I did was Google “Flash CS3 create MC window as popup”:
You could also create your “pop up” using Frame Labels. You could use this is conjunction with the Loader class to load different SWFs as your content for the “pop up”.
There are plenty of tutorials around for this.
Here’s a quick .fla as well.
Nice, now I want to see how he puts together his project.
Once complete, could you send a link?