Hi, vector graphics... [Flash 8 Pro]


Short version: Can you import vector images during runtime? (Any format will do)

I asked a question regarding .ai files here the other day, I’d like to reformulate the question: Can you somehow import vector graphics, at runtime which will be handled as such? Currently working on a ‘map’-project, and when zooming in on objects, its kind of harsh when they get all edgey on me, note that all objects on the map are loaded dynamicly from a database. Also, there’s a need to be able to insert new graphics without editing the actual flash file.

Thanks for any replies.

These are the picture formats which can be loaded at runtime in Flash 8, swf, gif, jpeg and png.

Note: swf can also contain vector objects. So you could try importing the ai into swf. And loading the swf at run-time.

Thanks for the help, I’m supposed I’ll need to use swfs then.