Hi everybody. I needed help with an e-commerce site that i’m building. Where could I get software or code or whatever for processing credit cards. For those who reply, i’ll dance in your weddings ;). I really need it badly. Thanks.
well i refuse to get married but here ya go. as far as software to procees credit cards, do a search on google. my friend used one, where all you have to do is point the variables to some software. ill find out the name for you later, as i am not home now. i think it was pretty cheap, like $15 for the year.
Thank you so very much Digitalosphy. I hope I can be of use to you some day. Thanks again!
hey no problem, ill send you the link to that prog when i get home
You may also find the information in this past discussion helpful. There are others as well, just do a search for e-commerce.