
need you help pl

i wrote this code




        import flash.display.MovieClip;

        import flash.display.DisplayObject;

        import com.greensock.TweenMax;




    public class Main extends MovieClip


            public static var instance:Main;

            public var totalInventoryItems:Number;

            public var collected:Number;

            public var remaining:Number;

            public var inventory:Array;


            public function Main()


                // constructor code

                Main.instance = this;

                collected = 0;

                txt.text = " ";




            public function prepareStage()


                inventory = new Array();

                totalInventoryItems = 0;


                for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++)


                    if (this.getChildAt(i) is InventoryItem)





                trace("totalInventoryItems", totalInventoryItems);



            public function insertToInventory(object:DisplayObject)


                var xx:Number = (68 - object.width)/2;


                if (inventory.length > 0)


                    TweenMax.to(object, 1, {x:xx, y:inventory[inventory.length - 1].y + inventory[inventory.length - 1].height + 10});




                    TweenMax.to(object, 1, {x:xx, y:10});




                if (inventory.length == totalInventoryItems)






                remaining = totalInventoryItems - collected;

    trace(remaining,this.currentFrame);  // if you see anything less than 1 and then 4, you are assigning txt.txt to be "" when on  frame 4.

                txt.text = "you still have " + String(remaining) + " objects to collect.";

                if(remaining <= 1)


                    txt.text = "You still have " + String(remaining) + " object to collect.";


                if(remaining <= 0)


                    txt.text = "";






on trace i got this: totalInventoryItems 11
10 2
9 2
8 2
7 2
6 2
5 2
4 2
3 2
2 2
1 2
totalInventoryItems 0
-11 3
totalInventoryItems 10
-2 4
-3 4
-4 4
-5 4
-6 4
-7 4
how can i fix it?

Thank you