Hit counter in flash

How do you put a hit counter on your flash website?

there are lots of free hit counters out on the web. go to www.google.com and search for hit counters. i would not recommend putting one in the flash movie itself unless you have a database to connect to. because each time a flash movie loads, variables are reset so unless information is drawn from a non-resetting source then it will always stay at 0 since as far as the flash movie is concerned that’s the first time it’s being viewed.

so, put your hit counter from wherever you get it straight into your html

i hope this helps

You can build your own in flash but it requires some backend codeing in like PHP or ASP. It can be done but i have never built one in flash.

right =)
that’s what i said

php or asp would write to a database or just a textfile stored on the server that could be called as a variable for the counter.

otherwise the variable (if stored in the flash movie itself) would reset each time the movie is loaded

It’s actually very easy!
Just some basic knowledge of php!
You have to make the PHP file to write the variables into a txt file!
On of them/both will be loaded into flash (depeñding on what kinda counter you want… LIVE or not live)

live would be cool so it updates if someone else views the site while you’re viewing it.

do you have an example of that PHP script and how it could be implemented. or can you point me to somewhere that has it.

thanks =)

well to make a live counter you don’t have to change the PHP script at all… just the flash!
humm… tute… tute… searching…
found one! I thnk he should be teaching the live counter as well…