Ok I’m tring to make a hit counter count the number of downloads off of my webpage, I see it done all the time but I don’t kno how can anyone help me.
Hey rugget,
There is no simple way having your download point to another page. On that page, place the hit counter. Of course, you will also include the link to download your file there.
Kirupa :pirate:
Ok I’m tring to figure out what you said. So basically their is no way of counting the downloads, right?
there has to be a script out there. i have seen many sites with the download counter. but i just dont know where to get the script. try searching with google.:-\
Ok I found a cgi script but I really don’t know what to do from there. I’ve included the zip file if you want to take a look. Maybe you could tell me what to do.
oops forgot the zip.
Hey rugget,
I do not know how to configure CGI scripts - never really got into that. But, my earlier method might work. Let’s say you want people to download program “ABC”.
1.)Create a download link.
2.)Instead of linking to ABC.exe, create a new page called ABC.htm and link your download link to this page.
3.)On the page ABC.htm place a hit counter.
4.)On the same ABC.htm page, create a link for ABC.exe so people can download.
Does this help a little bit more?
Kirupa :rambo:
Yeah I know what you are saying and it would work. But maybe I’ll learn some of this cgi stuff!