Hit counter with flash

I have tried several tutorials with either php or cgi, and they just don’t work! I did change the permissions to the right chmod and my server support both php & cgi.

Last one I tried was this one. And even though it works on their online sample it doesn’t for me.


Then I also tried the one on Kirupa. I didn’t even get through the entire tutorial because I got a message that told me that the script was to work as a flash 5. I am using flash mx and I need to export as flash 6.

Anybody knows some good tutorials that actually work?

Is that so impossible to get a counter done in flash? lol I have exhausted everything. I never thought I’d spend so much time on something that seemed so simple to make at first. :stunned:

Up at the top of EVERY Kirupa page is a search field, I exaustively typed “hit counter” in it then clicked on the first result and this is what i got:

Hit Counter in Flash using PHP

BTW, this tutorial was written for Flash MX.:thumb2:

LOL well I did mention on my post that I tried the one from this site but it didn’t work at all. I even downloaded the final and still nothing. I don’t understand cause my server does accept php4! I really don’t know what’s wrong.

anybody ever tried that tutorial on kirupa?

Seems like I have to give up on this one… It seems like it’s not possible :frowning:

I just tried that tutorial, it works fine. Have you tried tracing or testing to try to narrow down where the issue is?

I also tried this one:

I followed the instructions and changed the permissions, not working. It stays at 1. I have attached my files here if anybody can help me?

I didn’t even get to that point. when I followed the instructions on that tutorial, when I tried to copy and paste: this.loadVariables(“count.txt?num=”+random(999));
I get this message:
“the actions on the clipboard contains errors. Actions with errors cannot be pasted into Normal Mode”

Switch to advanced mode. You cant paste actions into the normal mode window. =)

LOL oh wow so I did & I was finally able to finish this tutorial. And it works!!! Thank you! =)