Hit.Test Problem

My basic probem is described in the picutre but what is happening is a hit is being dectected between 2 movie clips even tho it really isnt touching the actual artwork
-BTW its for a pinball game, i got the gravity to work and alot of other things when im done ill be sure to post it

If ur too lazy to read above All i want to happen is a hit test between 2 movie clips a ball and a corner piece

Please dont call us lazy.

But all you want is the ball to hit only the corner piece.

I am not sure

coming to the board and on your 2nd post you call us lazy…
Now THAT’S not the way to get help around here.

As far as your problem, I honestly don’t 100% understand it, so
please try to expand a little more as to what you need, and we’ll
do our best.

Lmao it wasn’t an instult.I use to post here a while ago and i know how helpfull people can be so im sorry if i hurt ur feelings :(. Also bascially with hit.test u have 2 types a one that uses X,Y Cords and flag shapes and one that is just 2 movie clips. But the 2movie clips u cant use flag Shapes so it puts a box around ur shape so when the 2 object colide its really only colliding with the Box outliine. And thats my problem. In the meantime im just gonna use a getaround to sove my problem.:ninja:

so, why not establish the center point of the mc you want it to hit
and run it to x,y coordinates with actionscript instead?

Yea thats what i was doing thx, but i was just wondering if there was other ways.