Hittest, collision detection?

I don’t really understand this, when searching for it I’ve found several different ways, but all of them using some kind of hitTest. example:

if (this, hitTest(_root.object)) {
//my code

but this doesn’t work for my very beautiful game, here is the code:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
_x -= speedx;
_y += speedy;

if (this, hitTest(_root.stjarna)) {
this._x += 20;

if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
//_rotation -= 2;
this._y -= 20;
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
//_rotation += 2;
this._y += 20;

_y = 480;	

_y = -20;	


and here is the game: http://erikhk.mine.nu/dump/files/rymdskeppv4.swf
the spaceship is named skepp, and the stars is named stjarna…
what am I doing wrong?? I’ve tried at least 4 methods, none of them working (for me)…