I’ve been working on a file where two objects collide with each other, but creating two different results.
ie.[color=darkorange] if (yellow, hitTest(green)){green_x+=5}[/color], but,
[color=darkorange]if (green, hitTest(yellow)){yellow_x-=5}[/color]
This is impossible since [color=darkorange](yellow, hitTest(green)) == (green, hitTest(yellow)).[/color]
So I thought, I’ll have a condition to filter these into two different results, like:
[color=darkorange]if ((movement=“right”)&&(yellow, hitTest(green))) {green_x+=5}[/color]
[color=darkorange]if ((movement=“left”)&&(green, hitTest(yellow))) {yellow_x+=5}[/color]
----I thought this was pretty clever, and it (kinda) worked, which is the wierd thing. Actionscripts (should) either work or not work, but, one if [color=darkorange]"((move…)"[/color] statement would totally work while the other would work only under random circumstances.
So, the solution was to have each clip create it’s own unique move on the mouse press ( on(press){green.attachMovie…) and have the attached movie do the hitting. This way, the flash player doesn’t confuse the hitting conditions w/ each other by having unique movie clips doing the hitting.
Hope this Helps