hitTest help!

hi i have been trying ages to get it so whenn you hit a object it the object stops (simple) but when you try and move backwards again it get stuck

any help would be greatful


After you’ve hit the object your still touching, so your still hitting it. Thus your still stopping your object, get that ok?

Post your fla and i could try and help if you like.


well i have no real fla i was just wondering for future refrence but if you want i could quickly make one up

Sure, if you whip something up that describes your problem ill be happy to try and find a solution.


ok here it is i just made this quickly what i want is so when the ball hit’s that black thing it stops but still can move back from it

OK, i’m doing something else at the moment, but yours will be my next task. :slight_smile:


ok thanks very very much:sure:

Ok, heres one way of doing it.

But really depending on your situtation you may find that other options are more feasible. So if you have a specific requirement then i’ll be glad to help with that.


wow that is just what i wanted!!!:slight_smile:

Anytime :slight_smile:

just one small problem (i think) if you go to the side you can go trough it (is that just a small thing i can fix myself?)
