hitTest not functioning properly ? [renamed]

I’we get a big problem and wondered if you could help me.:tb:
In the code something is wrong, it’s just don’t wont to work!:puzzle:
Here’s the code!:egg:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 if (this.hitTest(bomb)) {
  gotoAndStop("GameOver", 1);



You need to target the correct path to both your bomb clip and your “Game Over” frame. Without knowing what those are I’ll just guess that it would be something like this.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 if (this.hitTest(_parent.bomb)) {
this.gotoAndStop("GameOver", 1);

I don’t know, even that didn’t help is it becouse I’ve get many bombs?

Butman - please user better thread titles in the future: Titles like HitTest!!!Omg!HelpPlz!!!1111oneon isn’t really of much information to whoever reads it :slight_smile:

Oh, sorry.
But I’ve written to this forom to get an answere on my quetion. And I don’t f*cking care which title I should have.
I just wondered.

Nice to chat with you anyway Voetsjoeba

Sorry, I was iretaded:worried: .
But, why dosen’t it work?

If you wonna I can post the project, just ask