hitTest on 3 Targets

I’m trying to use hitTest to detect if a dragged clip is over any one of 3 different targets - when it is I want that target to blink. And then when I drag off I’d like the blinking to stop. Make sense? I’m struggling a bit with the following code:

square_mc.onPress = function() {
    for (z=1; z<4; z++) {
        circle = _root["circle"+z+"_mc"];
        this.onEnterFrame = function() {
            if (this.hitTest(eval(circle))) {
                trace("You are over a circle");
                delete this.onEnterFrame;
square_mc.onRelease = function() {
    trace("You released over the circle");

The “eval(circle)” part isn’t really working. What’s a better way to express the name of current target clip? Thanks for the help.