hitTest, platform to stand on and wall!

hi, i’m kinda new to flashbut i’m learning. I am making a kinda simple game for a project. I am first trying to get the code right so there ain’t much graphic yet. I am trying to create a platform were the character can jump on and jump of. i have had an attempt but i keep getting problems and some more. These are the main problems.

  1. When char is falling of platform and i press up it jumps.
    2)when you have go off the edge of the platform but then you quickly press in the opposite direction you go into the platform which should not happen
    3)At the moment, when the circle goes to the edge it does not fall unless the boundary box of the circle is off of the platform.

You will understand what i am talking about when you see my examples(the files are in flash 8 format). 1 has the graphics which is what the game is kinda gonna look like and the other is trying to test and fix the coding problem.

Please see if you can solve my problem and please help me understand where i went wrong.