HitTest problem.....HeLp!

Ok I have this new website I’m in the middle of creating. I have been having this problem for a little while now.

I have about 5 buttons on the site so far and each of them has a little mc behind it that plays with this code…

[AS]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
} else {

I use this code so that I dont have to add it straight into the button…and so it runs smoother. Anyway, since the movie is a little long on each one, the mouse over area is too long too. I can move over an area way over in the right and the button will play the little mc. This is kind of hard to explain. Here’s the .fla so you guys can get a better look at it.


Oh and here’s the URL so that you can see what I mean before you have to Download the file. When you go to the site, try moving around under the words NAV MENU. It still plays the mc. Can anyone help?!


Thanks… :thumb: