hitTest simplified - nothing works now!

Got this code whereby you drag Mc1-3 to a mouth_mc and the target_mc grows - then mc1 (or whatever) dissapears. That’s the idea anyway…

myArray = ["mc1", "mc2", "mc3"];
finalArray = new Array();
for(a=1; a<=myArray.length; ++a){
movieToAttach = myArray[a-1]
finalArray.push(this.attachMovie(movieToAttach, movieToAttach, a*10));
this[movieToAttach]._x = a*100
this[movieToAttach]._y = 100

code attached to actions mc

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
 var cmc = finalArray[x];
 if (_root.target.hitTest(cmc)) {
 if (_root.target._xscale < 150) {
 _root.target._xscale += 5
 _root.target._yscale += 5
 } else {

Any idea how I can make this work?

here’s the fla if that helps

Any help would be much appreciated! :look:
