
hello everyone See I am making this game.
Where it has my enemies that are duplicated and my Bulets witcvh are duplicated.

The code for duplicating my Bullets is.

            _root.gun.duplicateMovieClip("gun"+gun, gun);
            _root["gun"+gun]._visible = true;

And that wroks when i press space of course.

And now my enemies.

My enemy is in one MC but when i duplicate it i put the following code in an empty MC

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    if (getTimer()>randomTime) {
        randomTime = getTimer()+(1000+Math.random()*10000);
        duplicateMovieClip(_root.stick, "stick"+i, i);

What I want to do is have my duplicated enemies gotoAndStop(8)
when they get hit but the duuplicated Laser.

Someone Please help