hitTests on multiple objects

How would you go about solving this?
For instance, I have a bullet movieclip and it moves. I’ve put a hitTest on its onEnterFrame so that it checks if it hits its target, whose instance name is mmbug and the target flies around. That’s easy and works cool.
( see http://blippo.addr.com/misc/walker2.html , there’s only one wasp present at a time and it works)
Now what I want to do is duplicate the wasps so there are more flying around at one time, but how would I do the hitTest on the bullet then, because you have to specify it an exact instance name. If I make all the wasps have the same instance names it doesn’t work. So obviously I’d have to give them names of mmbug1, mmbug2, mmbug3 etc. But how would I check on the hitTest if it hits any of them, since you have to put in an exact instance name in the hitTest?