
I just thought i would say a big hi to everyone, i am new to the forums but have been browsing them recently. I see there are some very skilled designers on these forums and hopefully being a noob flash wannabe i can learn from your experience.

Ive seen how helpfull you all are so i’m sure i will get a nice welcome =)

Spk soon Lunar_4u :crazy:

Welcome to Kirupa m8…

I’m new myself but it certainly seems like a great place to come too and learn from others as well as help if you can…


::::: AnOraK :::::


[SIZE=4]Welcome to kirupaville![/SIZE], you too AnOraK :wink:
I´ve seen you posting around our cozy comunity, but i never got the chance to welcome you :wink:

I´m sure that you guys (gals ?) will learn a great deal here, just as you will teach a great deal too :wink: =)

Welcome again, and cheers :bounce:

[SIZE=1]ps: when you get a chance, check the stickys threads ’ Tell us About Yourself…’ and ‘Nation Sign In…’[/SIZE]


to the forums :beam:

velcome. :goatee:

Welcome to the forum lunar_4u!!!

Glad to have you with us, I hope you’ll have a fun time here while learning and possibly helping out others as well. Happy posting!! =)