Hmm.. $$ actually

Hi Everyone,

while visiting your and others sites I have noticed that you sometimes also offer creating a logo or designing corporate identities…

could I ask you to tell me more or less how much you can charge or maybe you had to pay for such things? I’m just wondering how it is all over the world…

Thank you and


A logo is something that takes a lot of time to do well. I guess you could just throw down some text and “interesting shapes,” but if you want to give your clients a quality piece that actually speaks about their company you need to do research, sketches, comps, revisions, comps, revisions.

A very good standard to use is the Graphic Artists Guild Pricing and Ethical Guidelines. You can purchase a copy in most bookstores. The AIGA is also a good reference. Hope that helps.

hmm… thanks for the info :slight_smile: I’m sure I will find something interesting there…

The Graphic Artists Guild Pricing is a good guide, although your pricing will depend on the logo itself. I.E. if it is for a large or small company? If you were to design a logo for Nike I would charge millions, if you are designing a logo for a mom and pop shop… maybe a few thousand. Utlimately it depends on what it will be worth for you to create. I have created good logos in a short period of time, while others have taken months… the client has a lot to do with it… I would estimate the hours it will take you and multiply that by your hourly rate.