hi all, i have a basic problem with my button state. what i’m trying to do is have buttons, so that when someone clicks on one, it holds the over state (or down state).
so say i have 10 red buttons. when someone clicks on button 1, it turns green and stays green even if you move your cursor away from the button. but when you click on button 2, button 2 turns green and button 1 becomes red again. so no matter what, only one button will be green at any given time. and when in the green state, the button is no longer “hot” so you can’t keep click it over and over.
i know how to do this with physical frames, but would really like to know how with actionscript.
I used this for one of my clients at www.cnet.com on one of their ads. Just make movie clips with their states on different frames: ‘up’, ‘over’, ‘press’, ‘disable’:
oi vei i was hoping it wouldn’t be a different script for each button because i’ll have like 50 buttons maybe. i was thinking maybe some type of script that says ‘if this button selected, then all other buttons become unselected’. is that possible in actionscript?
also, the way i have it set up is that there is one parent movie containing 4 children movies. in each of these children movies will be about 12-15 buttons. so the buttons aren’t all in the same MC. i’d like to have it so if you select any button from any MC, only that one becomes hot and all 49 buttons become disabled. is that possible too?