
My dear friends:

I am sorry I have been gone for such a long time. It seems life wants to do battle with me or spice things up for me or something. I have been really busy, which is good, but too busy to visit here, which is bad. Anyway, I hope to return after the holidays.

To my friends (I call you friends) Pom, Kitiara, Lost, Kirupa, elisoe, suprabeener, etc… I wish you a great holiday. I hope you all have a blast…

Will see you soon!

Pom, whatssup brother? I hope you’re having a great time. Man, you don’t know how bad I’d like to go away for a little while…heheh… We’ll see what the new year brings.

Happy Holidays.

Hello Iammontoya, we have not met, but I would like to wish you a happy holiday. =)

hey ive seen ya around a few times(back when i first joined)
happy holidays man

Good to hear you are surviving the Land of the Mouse. I’ve missed seeing you 'round… welcome back.

And Happy Holidays.


Hey Montoya, yeah, I have missed you too :frowning:

I hope you get enough free time to be able to enjoy the holiday season :slight_smile:

hey =) have nice holidays all and don’t drink too much or have too much sex :stuck_out_tongue: gotta keep a balance

don’t drink too much or have too much sex

There’s such a thing as too much sex? :slight_smile:

Anyway, although I am working over most of Christmas, I know a lot of people aren’t, so Happy Christmas everyone, have a great time and don’t be afraid to par-taaay… :slight_smile:

Woohow Montoya is back. I’ve met you the first time I was here. In fact you answered my first question…

Kirupa changed a bit as you see…

Anyway, thanks for the greets… :stuck_out_tongue:

wow that reminds me, David if you’re reading this, I would like to wish you a happy holiday. You’re the one that answered my first question when I joined this forum. Happy holidays to everyone as well, eat a lot and keep warm. =)

Hey montoya!
Long time no see, but I’m glad you will be back after the holidays! In the meantime, have fun =)

Kirupa :A+:

Happy holidays Montoya… good to see youre still alive and kicking, looking forward to seeing more of you in the new year.


Hmmm, I don’t remember my first <B>question</B> on this forum.

The one I think it is was when I asked what the heck “i” meant. That was way in the beginning though. And I believe Montoya and Ilyas answered that. So I thank them :slight_smile:

I remember mine… it was Lostinbeta…

and his answer was :

I don’t know…

serious, he said “I don’t know”…



LOL, well then I didn’t answer your question. So who actually answered your question?


it was a Generator problem, and nobody knows Generator…

not here anyway… (I do know the answer now, and have added it to the thread, just in case some one else may need it)…

but Lost was the only one to reply…


Oh ok, Was that the thread when I first heard of Generator and had to ask you what it was?

I asked someone on here what the heck generator was…lol.

I think so…

someone asked what it was, and I think it was you…

I know I was surprised that you didn’t know (I didn’t realize you had only been flashing a few months)…

now it’s gone… sort of…


Yeah, I did just start Flash in June (and actionscript in July).

And you signed up in September.

So that means It was about 4 months I have been flashing by then.

You are such a rookie!


yet you know tons more than I about MX…


That is because I started with MX, where you are just starting out with MX after using the others and Generator :slight_smile: