Holy Thunder!

Da-mn, i was sitting in a chair on my balcony and lightning struck like 500 meters away maybe, the booming sound that came from the lightning was like something you never heard before. Lucky me that it wasn’t any closer and struck my house.

Was it cool to watch? :slight_smile:

why didnt you take a picture ??? =)

did you deaf? I had something similar happen a couple of years ago and I was deaf for a few minutes afterwards (not to mention extremely rattled - its quite a rush of adren.) :slight_smile:

lets find out.

Can you hear this.

How About This?



LoL i had the same experience.

I was at my cousin’s house on a hill sitting in the rain watching the storm in tune with nature :).

We saw at least 20 strikes of lightning really really close. IT was totally amazing and then we got told to come inside because they were really close and if it had struck near us the water would have totally frazzled us. :slight_smile:

I was hiking with some guys one time, and lightning struck a tree like 100 feet away from us. The tree exploded, it was scary as crap.

The funny thing was that all the lightning had been really far away. And we were considering getting away from tall trees, so we started the count how long it takes you to hear the thunder after you saw the lightning thing. Well, after we got to 3, BOOM, lightning blows the tree up.

Yeah I was hiking in the tetons one summer when a huge hailstorm came and there was lighting everwhere - it was one of those deals where its like FIND THE LOWEST DITCH, LAY THERE AND PRAY TO GOD! lol

How come all the cool stuff happens to you guys?!
I’ve been standing in the rain with a tin foil suit on for years and can’t get anything to come anywhere near me:beam:

cool, never have had soemthing like this happen, glad too

i live in a mountainous area - when the thunder claps it echos till it drives you mad…

it’s like hearing metallica for 3hours in a row…

heeey this is my 999th post. gwooovy

i was wondering when you would breake 1k

once during a really bad storm, a tree in the backyard got hit, the thunder was incredably loud, and the whole house lit up like daytime. we had to cut the tree down, cause it died.

We also have a cable box right in the corner of our backyard, and once that got hit by lighting, and made a big hissing and cracking sound, we thought it was going to blow up or catch on fire. and lol at mlk with the metallica thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, the telephone pole accrosse the street fell down one day…i slept through it :stuck_out_tongue: