Horazontal scroll OFF Vert Scroll ON

I searched the forum but couldnt find a thread on this. I need to dissable horzontal scrolling but leave vertical scrolling on. Any body know how to do this.

Nope, I don’t believe that is possible. It’s either no scrolling or all scrolling :-\ Sorry man.

Bastards. There is not like really special DHTML or JAVASCROPT even that will do it?

Not that I know of, they would only be able to do it if the commands to do it existed, and as far as I know theres nothing to disable horizontal scrolling, I have tried before and failed.

What do you need it for? (possibly there is a workaround)

it is for a nested frame set i’m using. I’ll jsut make the SWF’s i’m using in the content frmae smaller i guess.

Oh, it’s a .swf dealio :x

Try this…

On frame 1 in your movie add this line… [AS]Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”[/AS]

Now publish your file and have it produce your .html file.

Open your .html file for editing and in the embed code you will see 2 width properties. Change both of those to 100%.

This should in theory automatically resize the movie to the available area, but cut off any content that extends further than the width.

Is that sorta like what you want?

it would work if it was all vector but it aint. I made the graphics in PS and importedt them as png’s so the blur nad streatch if i alow it to scale. i’ll PM u the link so u cna see it.

Well that was the point of [AS]Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”[/AS]

That sets your items in your movie not to scale with the movie size. So you can set it to 100%, but your items will not scale down, they will just get cut off, as they would if you movie was wider and horizontal scroll was disabled. I just tested it, it works :slight_smile: Unless that isn’t how your stuff is set up :slight_smile: ::goes to check PMs::

Just checked, and as far as I can tell, the method I mentioned should work fine :-\