Hosting for coding

Hey guys, well I don’t have a whole lot to spend- so instead I’d like to offer hosting to pay for coding.

I need some PHP and MySQL shizz done for a little cms for my site.

I can negotiate a deal with you by PM, email and msn- look @ my profile for my details :):beam:

What kind of cms? what functionality do you need?

I’m game too. Even though i already have hosting, I can do it.

The only downside to me doing it for you is that you will be involved and i will force you to learn as i’m doing it…:slight_smile:

Well I need it to have a few pages, contact form, possible querying from vBulletin and a blog that can have comments.

For now all I need is just the homepage done so I can get something up :smiley:
The layout is hot too cause Fasterthanlight designed it :smiley:

I don’t mind learning PHP along the way @ all :D! I would actually really love to learn as I’m sure it will come in handy :slight_smile:

Well I need it to have a few pages, contact form, possible querying from vBulletin and a blog that can have comments.

For now all I need is just the homepage done so I can get something up :smiley:
The layout is hot too cause Fasterthanlight designed it :smiley:

I don’t mind learning PHP along the way @ all :D! I would actually really love to learn as I’m sure it will come in handy :slight_smile:

I already have a site made that had vbulletin integrated news and a contact form. I wouldn’t mind giving you the code and helping with the blog. I also have a comment system that links to vbulletin.

Sweet man! I’ll talk to you on msn

defective- i’ll talk to you as well! :smiley:

Dark ill do it for ya :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: schweet

oo maybe then I can get some others when u’re busy to help out with other parts :slight_smile: