Hot sauces

I’d go with the classic Tabasco. During high school, I used a Texas Pete Hot Sauce.

Most of the food I eat at home such as Indian food is spicy enough without hot sauces anyway. I’m guessing any sauce made with a lot of habanero must be spicy. I ate part of a raw habanero once - not the smartest thing I did :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know any Indian who hasn’t. I was afraid of any sort of spicy food for a week after the “incident”. :frowning:

Tapatio :thumb:

I absolutely love hot, but I think it tastes bad in most cases. It’s weird. Like Frank’s hot sauce tastes terrible. And Jalepenos taste nasty, but I love how they’re spicy. It’s weird. So I like tastey spicey stuffs.

I love aerosmith and hot sauce. Joe Perry’s hot sauce rules!

a great hot sauce is from buffalo wild wings restaurant. both their “hot” and “wild” sauces are excellent. especially wild.

I put tobasco sauce on tons of stuff, and lots of it (I’m from Texas).

<useless story that’s somewhat related>
my dad’s friend was in the military and he was trained to be able to eat anything and he went into this restuarent once and challenged the chef to make the hottest thing he could, and so the chef tried him. He ate it without a flinch :P.
</useless story that’s somewhat related>

I can never have food hot enough…

I am like Hommer and the chilli cook off…

What would have you crying like a baby in pain…
Is nothing more than a sweet tingle on my lips.

I use chilli/tabsco/curry like people use salt/pepper/tomato sauce

Heh, this topic made me think of that too =) [size=1]Well, partially that :sigh:[/size]
Hmm, hot wax…

So anyway, yeah, I like spicy food as well, although I don’t really go and add spicy sauce to everything I eat, so I have to kinda say Bleh here.

Don’t really like hot sauce just put bits of habenaro’s or jalapeno’s on my food but i used to put habenaro juice on my food until i decided to put a lil too much on

I can never have food hot enough…

hint: order a sauce called “vicious vampire”.
a friend just got a chemical gastritis from that sauce :stuck_out_tongue:

Germans… :sigh:


I am suprised no one here mentioed Franks hot sauce. Thats good stuff. I also like Kick a55 hot sauce and a brand called texas tail torcher.

I put hot sauce on almost everything.

peppapo it’s made with scotch bonnets.

Hard to find, but a small amount will make your ears hurt.


Did you forget to mention that you eat jalapeno’s out of the jar for a snack while watching t.v., put anything with habenero’s in it on jsut about every food ever made, even macaroni and cheese…yuck!!!

I cant stand hot anything…Old El Paso taco kits is too spicy for me…even the smell of hot sauce makes my stomach turn :x

Hey McGiver, I like your game.

with habenero’s in it

Ha ha ha lmao

2 days ago my g/f diced some for me to have in my pasta…

She got some under her finger nail and she was crying. (really)
She came home from work the next day and it was still stinging her !!!

thx :slight_smile:


What can I say I love hot food. And you always said you liked my Mac and cheese with a little hot sauce in it. Hmmmm… :te:

I used to put hot sauce on everything I ate also. Of course, I started getting a mild heartburn when I was about 14 or 15, so I was on Zantac for about 2 or 3 years. I’m all zantac-free, but now I eat hot stuff only in moderation. I hate getting old hehe :slight_smile: