Hi there…
Could anyone please help me - I’m getting a flickering issue with my tool tip hovers. I’ve tried writing the code in 2 different ways and I’m still getting the same thing:(
Each way seems to work fine if there’s only one object, but when there are more than one and you start moving the mouse between the 2 this really annoying flickering keeps occurring? My file needs to have several objects which all overlap. I’ve tried altering the hit areas so that they don’t actually touch - but no effect.
I’ve also tried swapping ROLL_OVER for MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_MOVE but all with no results!
Please could anyone show me or point me in the right direction as to the best way to do something like this? I’m going crazy with it!
I’ve attached the 2 flash files so you can see what I’m talking about…
Thanks in advance for any help!!