How can I delete the default record in asp

hello, my situation is here in my asp page,

set rs=Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.recordset”)
sql=“select * from Tshirtproduct where cus_id=’”&session(“ID”)&"’"
rs.Open sql,Conn
do until rs.EOF

          response.write("Remove")---I need to make it work
          response.write("Tshirt View")

response.write(rs(“confirm”))-----this is the condition col.



I want to make the “remove” works-----delete this record when "confirm " value is 0 in MS SQL 2000.

Plz help me! Thanks!

Something like this should work

<% @ Language = "VBScript" %>

  <% Dim conn %>
Set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("yourdb.mdb")
sql="select * from Tshirtproduct where cus_id='"&session("ID")&"'"
sqlDelete = "DELETE FROM main WHERE confirm = ' 0 ' "
rs.Open sql,sqlDelete, conn

hello, we only have the response.write(“remove”) on the page. Then how can we connect with this vb script to make it work when the user click the remove words ? thanks!

how about something like this?

if rs(“confirm”)=“0” then


  end if 

and I want to make a popup window for those have “remove”, how to make it show the popup window showing the message
" are you sure to delete it
Yes No"