I am working on a website (size: 800*600) and I am using flash MX (on a mac). I published my first pages and checked online (with IE & Safari) to see how it looked. Unfortunately, it gave me a border all around the site. I checked my settings and everything is 800 by 600. What can I do to get rid of it? Thanks for your help.
I just published a movie and tested it in Safari (on my Apple machine) and I see no borders…
In Flash’s “Publish Settings” I see a drop-down for “Scale” (which I’ve never used) that has “No Border” as an option. But how would it have turned ON to begin with?
Flash doesn’t make borders around swf’s, but if your swf doesn’t fill up the window, the background color will create a border. How big is the border?
The border is about a half inch and is the same color as the background color. I wonder if it is because I am using a pic as a background instead.
In fact it is. That border is actually the <**body bgcolor="#FF0000"> tag in your HTML.
I didn’t know how to do this, so I learned it real quick like (-:
A suggestion would be to have an html splash page that says enter flash site here or whatever. That link would open up a java window with no toolbar, address bar, etc. like this:
Notice how that has a border if you resize the window, there’s still that border of bgcolor. While I found this site (just found it on google - don’t know who’s it is), I recieved a popup with a flash movie and it had no border!! I did a ctrl+n so I could view the source. I found this in the HTML bodytag:
That makes sence, huh!!?? So, that will get rid of your boder if you open a window that’s 800x600 on a computer with a resolution of the same. Unfortunately, some people have 1024x768 (like me). I deal with the border thing on a site I’m working on, it’s still really underconstruction, but you can see how I use java popus and a resize script in javascript to fullsize the window:
See, on this page, I just used an image to fill that border (per client’s request) - so there’s another idea for ya!!
Man my posts are friggin’ long today!!
That should do it!!
Thank you very much for your help Freddythunder. I am gonna try this…
Did you try the HTML body tag? Did it work? I wanna know too!!
I am trying it… Promise I will let you know.
Thanks again.
Cool…I’m not rushing you, I just figured you wouldn’t check the post until you tried already…and see now I probably threw you off again…I apalogize…
no problem. I tried everything I could but I still have those borders! I don’t know what to do since the whole site needs that picture as a background.
Let me try, hang on…
It works fine…I actually didn’t have to try it, I just found another site that uses the same thing that you are trying to do: Goto this link:
Click the link to pop open the example
drag the corner of that window down a little
right click on the background somewhere (not on the flash movie)
View Source
That will give you the HTML and in the body tag, it says:
topmargin=“0” leftmargin=“0”
That’s it!! If you still have trouble with yours, post your HTML in a text file and I will look at it for you.
It did not work, still those borders…
anyway, i would like to thank you for all your great help. It’s late here, I am gonna have to go to bed. would you mind if tomorrow I sent you my html file?
Nope, see ya tomorrow!!
Hi Freeyhunder, I did not send you my files because I found the solution. check this link http://www.moock.org/webdesign/flash/fillthewindow.html. Thanks again for all you help.
No worries…I liked your 404 page. That’s pretty cool.
I don’t understamd why it is a 404page??? try now http://www.moock.org/webdesign/flash/fillthewindow.html
Okay, I got it now. I tried it for some cartoons on my site (the margin thing) and it works, so everyone wins!!
Did u use a rectangle to create a background colour??? if ya did thats ur probs…
when ya start a flash movie or wotever make sure in properties u change the background on there… no outline !!!
Actually, This way you could use a rectangle for your background color and change it. A lot of my sites and especially the cartoons have changing bgrounds - it’s necessary. Therefore, you must tell the browser to eliminate the margins all together.
Oh yeah, this way you can have lines/shapes/boxes what have you spread from one edge of the window to the other without that break…see what I mean?