this is my final i guess actionscript with ur great assistance.
some :crazy: stuff i gotta tell you!
I got one lil question, that I keep getting an error on,
This is the retrieve button by the way and the New lines i want to add are noted with the " // "
[AS]on (release)
NEW LINE // ------- > // if (store.text = “Wrong” )
myLVs = new LoadVars();
myLVs.sendAndLoad(“lrm.asp”, myLVs , “POST”);
myLVs.onLoad = function(success)
myLVs.storeID = store.text;
other.text = myLVs.other
details.text = myLVs.details
sponsor.text = myLVs.sponsor
raising.text = myLVs.raising
annual.text = myLVs.annual
traffic.text = myLVs.traffic;
store.text =
comments.text = myLVs.comments
varTextBox1.text = myLVs.varTextBox1
varTextBox2.text = myLVs.varTextBox2
varTextBox3.text = myLVs.varTextBox3
varTextBox4.text = myLVs.varTextBox4
if (myLVs.restaurant1 == "Mccafe")
if (myLVs.restaurant2 == "24 Hrs")
if (myLVs.restaurant3 == "Drive Thru")
if (myLVs.restaurant4 == "Playland")
if (myLVs.restaurant5 == "Large Parking Facility")
NEW LINE!!--------------->// } else {
trace(getURL(“javascript: alert(‘Please Enter a Store Number’), void(0)”));
what i am trying to do , i have in my asp scring a Store, value that if the value is wrong, it returns a Text in the store field saying WRONG and it doesn’t write any of the information
and goes to the else (trace)…
so let me explainthis a bit better.
IF the store=1234567890 any of those number its good to go, which i have in the ASP script
But if the script doesn’t recongnize any of the number it return
a text saying " WRONG" but i dont want it to return anything else, so i want the java pop up to appear that is why i did the trace id
undersatnd any of it? ikeep getting action scrip error and can’t figure it out
i am so sorry
maybe? this?
if (myLVS.storeerror == “Wrong”)
trace(getURL(“javascript: alert(‘Please Enter a Store Number’), void(0)”));
BUT BUT if it’s wrong i want nothing loading how can i do that?
i dunno HELP :stunned: :*(