How can i use more than one font, size or color on one line of text in AS3

Hi Guys

I’m a noob, so please forgive me if i’m asking something really stupid!

I’m doing a group project and i’ve just got the code from someone else, so i can add my part.

I am trying to add text in actionscript 3 (in a actions frame) simple enough. but…
I want to have words next to each other, that have different fonts, font sizes and colors. I’ve been googling and experimenting for most of the day and haven’t really got anywhere.

I will post what i have and what i would like to do, and if someone can help me, i would be most grateful.

Here the code that i’m working with:

//beginning of code
var info = infotext;
var infoFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
infoFormat.color = 0x752D1A;
infoFormat.size = 14;
infoFormat.bold = “True”;
infoFormat.font = “Comic Sans MS”;
info.text = “Animal name : Kangaroo” + "
" + “Animal type : Mammal” + "
" + “Group name : Mob” + "
" + “Babies name : Joey” + "
" + "Diet : Grasses, Plants " + "
" + "Habitat : Australian bush " + "
" + “Life span : 12 - 23 Years” + "
" + “Fact : A Kangaroo can hop at up to 40 mph”;
info.wordWrap = true;
//end of code

When i first got the code, all that was there, was the info.text = "Animal… line, i added the rest and also tried adding other line of code to make other words be in different fonts, but it didn’t work.

So heres what i’m trying to do;

I would like to have the headings, example; Animal name, Animal Type… in one font, and the answers, example; Kangaroo, Mammal in another font.
As it is at the moment, it look crap, because its all in the same font, color and size.

Can anyone help me please??? :ko:

Thank you in advance.